That's why I'm an illustrator

My name is Vito, and I'm an Italian illustrator. 

I was born and raised in Sicily, but I've been living in Turin for almost 25 years. 
As a child, I had a passion for drawing, and the idea of pursuing it as an adult seemed perfect. That's how I began my journey into the world of digital art.

I'm endlessly fascinated by the world around me, and I find inspiration in every corner of life. 
I observe, reflect, and translate my personal thoughts into illustrated concepts.
I have a deep appreciation for conceptual art, which, to me, is the artistic and visual expression of ideas that aim to inspire amazement or provoke contemplation.

Selected Clients
The Wall Street Journal | Harvar Business Review  | Mother Jones Magazine |  Berliner Zeitung Magazine The Lancet Magazine|  L'Express |  BeauxArt Magazine |  Artribune Magazine | Corriere della Sera | Le Scienze Magazine | Food Magazine | Commercial Observer Magazine | The Milaneser Magazine | The Parmigianer Magazine | The Palermitaner Magazine | Zenchef Magazine | Pomélo Food Journal | Kampa Verlag Editions | Bvlgari Marvis Toothpaste | VPRO Gids Magazine | Bitstamps |  Mixtree Languages - Amsterdam | Mercuur Taal - Amsterdam | Upperhouse - Japan | Pagani Geotechnical Equipment ...

Sky Arte (December, 2022) - Article
Artribune Magazine (June, 2022) - Interview
Ballpitmag Magazine (March, 2020) - Interview Magazine (October, 2019) - Article
Cultura Inquieta Magazine (October, 2019) - Article
Picame Magazine (September, 2019) - Interview
Fubiz Magazine (May, 2019) - Interview

Annual N°19 - 3x3 Magazine - Merit (2​022)
Annual N°18 - 3x3 Magazine - Honorable Mention (2021)
Annual N°18 - 3x3 Magazine - Merit (​2021)
Annual "Autori di Immagini" (2021)
Annual "Autori di Immagini" (2020)